Thursday, December 13, 2007


mau tau ciri2 orang kurang kerjaan? gue nih salah satunya. hahaha.. ngaku gitu yak. ciri2 orang kurang kerjaan adalah, nyari kerjaan yang gak penting. bagi gue adalah ini neh: gue bikin YM gue jadi tematik. yang artinya adalah: bertema. karena menurut gue, foto gue dijadiin avatar agak membosankan yah.. ceileh.. jadi gitu deh, ide gue untuk memulai hari sebelon kerja.. hihihihi ^^

jadi nih, tiap pagi hari kerjaan gue nyari status yang cocok untuk mood gue hari ini, trus gue cari gambar yang sesuai juga.. so, my mood today = YM status = Avatar.. keren kan? hehehehe..

ada beberapa temen gue yang nanyain sih, kenapa gambar gue berubah2 terus. pas gue jelasin, pada bilang "wow beck, its cool.." hehehe.. jelas lah.. gue gitu lowgh.. malah ada yang dengan jujurnya bilang mo niru.. waahh, silakan silakan.. gue seneng neh orang jujur, kalo mo niru apa yang gue bikin, bilang apa adanya.. seneng gue.. gud gud.. ^^

gak nyangka ternyata gue inspirational juga.. hauahauahau.. -tendang2in melan-

//y11:31 AMy//

A tortoise is a land-dwelling reptile of the order Testudines. Like their aquatic cousins, the turtles, tortoises are shielded from predators by a shell. The top part of the shell is the carapace, the underside is the plastron, and the two are connected by the bridge. The tortoise has both an endoskeleton and an exoskeleton. Tortoises can vary in size from a few centimetres to two meters. Most land tortoises are herbivorous in the wild.

Tortoises generally have lifespans comparable with those of human beings, and some individuals are known to have lived longer than 150 years. Because of this, they symbolize longevity in some cultures, such as China.

Age: guess :p

I ♥ Shopping, Movies, Blue, White, and Tortoise.


*bebe (pi'i)
*babe (sipul)
*milla (memeng)
*aby (nenal)
*iyang (gambreng)


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